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Citi indication provided by TTMZero
The price displayed for this underlying is merely an indication. It is not a traded price on the reference exchange (see final terms) but an approximated value in real time. The price indication is merely an approximate and non-binding information and has no effect on the redemption price at maturity or (if applicable to the product type) for a knock out or barrier breach event.
Price indications are provided in cooperation with TTMzero. This data is not provided or endorsed by Nasdaq.
Indications are generally published between 8am and 10pm. The daily close reflects the last indication price of the day and not the official close at the reference exchange. Absolute and relative changes are based on the close of the indication of the prior day and may vary from the reference exchange values.
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Citi indication provided by TTMZero
The price displayed for this underlying is merely an indication. It is not a traded price on the reference exchange (see final terms) but an approximated value in real time. The price indication is merely an approximate and non-binding information and has no effect on the redemption price at maturity or (if applicable to the product type) for a knock out or barrier breach event.
Price indications are provided in cooperation with TTMzero. This data is not provided or endorsed by Nasdaq.
Indications are generally published between 8am and 10pm. The daily close reflects the last indication price of the day and not the official close at the reference exchange. Absolute and relative changes are based on the close of the indication of the prior day and may vary from the reference exchange values.
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Citi indication provided by TTMZero
The price displayed for this underlying is merely an indication. It is not a traded price on the reference exchange (see final terms) but an approximated value in real time. The price indication is merely an approximate and non-binding information and has no effect on the redemption price at maturity or (if applicable to the product type) for a knock out or barrier breach event.
Price indications are provided in cooperation with TTMzero. This data is not provided or endorsed by Nasdaq.
Indications are generally published between 8am and 10pm. The daily close reflects the last indication price of the day and not the official close at the reference exchange. Absolute and relative changes are based on the close of the indication of the prior day and may vary from the reference exchange values.
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